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Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 42: e2023040, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529488


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess mothers' knowledge on sun exposure related to serum vitamin D levels in the neonatal period. Methods: Observational, analytical and cross-sectional study, carried out from August 2020 to May 2021 through a questionnaire directed to mothers of newborns, in a maternity hospital in Southern Brazil. Results: From 141 interviewees, 132 (93.6%) believe it is important to expose the neonate to sun, 101 (71.6%) think this exposure can increase vitamin D levels, 86 (61%) received such information from a doctor, 108 (76.6%) believe there are no risks of sun exposure, 88 (62.4%) claim it isn´t necessary to use any kind of protection, 96 (68.1%) said that only exposure to the sun was necessary to maintain adequate levels of vitamin D during the neonatal period. Only two mothers (1.4%) claim that you should not exposure the neonate to the sun, and only one (0.7%) stated that sun expose can cause skin problems. Conclusions: Most mothers lack satisfactory knowledge about sun exposure related to serum vitamin D levels in the neonatal period. The need to inform and clarify the population about sun exposure during this period is remarkable, in addition to disseminating the proper way to maintain serum levels of vitamin D.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar o conhecimento das mães acerca da exposição solar relacionada com níveis séricos de vitamina D no período neonatal. Métodos: Estudo observacional, analítico e transversal, realizado de agosto de 2020 a maio de 2021 por meio de questionário dirigido às mães de recém-nascidos, em uma maternidade no sul do Brasil. Resultados: De 141 entrevistadas, 132 (93,6%) acreditam ser importante expor o lactente ao sol no primeiro mês de vida, 101 (71,6%) acham que essa exposição aumenta os níveis de vitamina D, 86 (61,0%) receberam tal informação de um médico, 108 (76,6%) acreditam que expor o neonato ao sol não causa riscos para a saúde, 88 (62,4%) acham que não é necessário usar proteção contra radiação solar ao expor o neonato ao sol, e 96 (68,1%) afirmaram que apenas a exposição ao sol basta para manter os níveis adequados de vitamina D durante o período neonatal. Apenas duas mães (1,4%) afirmaram que não se deve expor o neonato ao sol e uma (0,7%) que a exposição solar pode causar problemas de pele. Conclusões: A maioria das mães não possui conhecimento satisfatório acerca da exposição solar relacionada aos níveis séricos de vitamina D no período neonatal. É notável a necessidade de informar e esclarecer a população sobre a exposição solar nesse período, além de disseminar a maneira adequada de manter os níveis séricos de vitamina D.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538266


Objetivo: relatar um caso de alopecia temporária após tratamento endovascular com exposição por fluoroscopia devido a uma malformação arteriovenosa na face. Detalhamento do caso: sexo masculino, 34 anos, com queixa de lesão na asa nasal, lábio superior e lateral da face (direita). O paciente trouxe exame de angioressonância apresentando uma malformação arteriovenosa em face com nutrição pela artéria facial e drenagem pela veia mandibular. Como tratamento foi optado uma arteriografia diagnóstica para melhor avaliação de vascularização da malformação arteriovenosa seguida de embolização com onyx® (mistura de etileno vinil álcool copolímero) que fornece o contraste necessário para a visibilização da mistura sob fluoroscopia. O procedimento foi realizado 14 dias após a 1ª consulta, sem intercorrências indicando sucesso terapêutico. No retorno, terceira semana após o procedimento, apresentou alopecia setorial em região occipitoparietal direita. Não havia manchas em região, bem como outros sintomas associados. Foi realizado como tratamento o uso de Minoxidil tópico e Cilostazol via oral. Após o tratamento houve retorno do crescimento espontâneo em cerca de 2 meses. Considerações finais: a embolização com onyx® mostrou-se uma valiosa opção terapêutica com uma maior conservação das estruturas nobres em malformações arteriovenosas, com baixa taxa de complicações no médio e longo prazo.

Objective: to report a case of temporary alopecia after endovascular treatment with fluoroscopy exposure due to an arteriovenous malformation on the face. Case detail: male, 34 years old, complaining of a lesion on the nasal wing, upper lip and side of the face (right). The patient brought an angioresonance exam showing an arteriovenous malformation in the face with nutrition through the facial artery and drainage through the mandibular vein. As a treatment, a diagnostic arteriography was chosen for a better assessment of the vascularity of the arteriovenous malformation followed by embolization with onyx® (mixture of ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer), which provides the necessary contrast for visualization of the mixture under fluoroscopy. The procedure was performed 14 days after the 1st consultation, with no intercurrences indicating therapeutic success. On return, third week after the procedure, he presented sectoral alopecia in the right occipitoparietal region. There were no stains in the region, as well as other associated symptoms. The use of topical Minoxidil and oral Cilostazol was carried out as treatment. After treatment there was a return of spontaneous growth in about 2 months. Final considerations: embolization with onyx® proved to be a valuable therapeutic option with greater conservation of noble structures in arteriovenous malformations, with a low rate of complications in the medium and long term.

Objetivo: reportar un caso de alopecia transitoria posterior a tratamiento endovascular con exposición radioscópica debido a una malformación arteriovenosa en la cara. Detalle del caso: varón, 34 años, que se queja de una lesión en el ala nasal, labio superior y lado de la cara (derecha). El paciente trajo un examen de angiorresonancia que mostró una malformación arteriovenosa en la cara con nutrición a través de la arteria facial y drenaje a través de la vena mandibular. Como tratamiento se optó por una arteriografía diagnóstica para una mejor valoración de la vascularización de la malformación arteriovenosa seguida de embolización con onyx® (mezcla de copolímero de etileno alcohol vinílico), que proporciona el contraste necesario para la visualización de la mezcla bajo fluoroscopia. El procedimiento se realizó 14 días después de la 1.ª consulta, sin intercurrencias que indicaran éxito terapéutico. A su regreso, a la tercera semana del procedimiento, presenta alopecia sectorial en región occipitoparietal derecha. No había manchas en la región, así como otros síntomas asociados. Como tratamiento se realizó el uso de Minoxidil tópico y Cilostazol oral. Después del tratamiento hubo un retorno del crecimiento espontáneo en aproximadamente 2 meses. Consideraciones finales: la embolización con onyx® demostró ser una valiosa opción terapéutica con mayor conservación de las estructuras nobles en las malformaciones arteriovenosas, con una baja tasa de complicaciones a medio y largo plazo.

Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 27: e240011, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550766


ABSTRACT Objective: To compare cancer mortality among workers exposed to gamma and X radiation and the general population of the city of São Paulo, as well as that of the subgroup monitored with those not monitored for gamma and X radiation in a work unit with ionizing radiation based in the city of São Paulo. Methods: Between 2016 and 2021, a retrospective open cohort study was carried out with workers who were employed from 08/31/1956 to 12/31/2016 based on data collected at the company and in official institutions. Standardized mortality ratios (SMR) were calculated by sex, age and calendar period of cancers grouped according to type, risk factor and organ system in two analyses: in the external analysis, the mortality of the study population was compared with that of the general population of the city of São Paulo; In the internal analysis, the mortality of the monitored subgroup was compared with that of the subgroup not monitored for gamma and X radiation. Results: The external mortality analysis showed SMR=0.224 (95%CI 0.208-0.240) and the healthy worker effect, while the internal mortality analysis showed SMR=0.685 (95%CI 0.618-0.758). Conclusion: This study showed lower cancer mortality among exposed workers when compared to mortality in the general population and the healthy worker effect. Among workers monitored for gamma and X radiation, cancer mortality was lower when compared to those not monitored.

RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar a mortalidade por câncer entre trabalhadores expostos à radiação gama e X e a população geral do município de São Paulo, bem como a do subgrupo monitorado com o não monitorado para radiação gama e X em uma unidade de trabalho sediada no município de São Paulo. Métodos: Entre 2016 e 2021 foi realizado estudo de coorte aberta retrospectiva com trabalhadores que tiveram vínculo empregatício desde 31/08/1956 até 31/12/2016 a partir de dados coletados na empresa e em instituições oficiais. Foram calculadas as razões de mortalidade padronizadas (RMP) por sexo, idade e período calendário de cânceres agrupados segundo o tipo, o fator de risco e o sistema orgânico em duas análises: na análise externa, comparou-se a mortalidade da população de estudo com a da população geral do município de São Paulo; já na análise interna, comparou-se a mortalidade do subgrupo monitorado com a do subgrupo não monitorado para radiação gama e X. Resultados: A análise externa de mortalidade mostrou RMP=0,224 (IC95% 0,208-0,240) e o efeito do trabalhador sadio, enquanto a análise interna de mortalidade mostrou RMP = 0,685 (IC95% 0,618-0,758). Conclusão: Este estudo mostrou menor mortalidade por câncer entre os trabalhadores expostos quando comparada com a mortalidade da população geral e o efeito do trabalhador sadio. Entre os trabalhadores monitorados para radiação gama e X, a mortalidade por câncer foi menor quando comparada com a dos não monitorados.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535425


Introducción: Las radiografías dentales son una de las exposiciones médicas más frecuentes a la radiación ionizante. El uso de radiación ionizante está asociado a un riesgo probable de desencadenar efectos biológicos adversos y posibles daños a la salud del paciente. Para evitar que los pacientes reciban dosis innecesariamente altas durante estas exposiciones, la Comisión Internacional de Protección Radiológica recomienda la utilización de los niveles de referencia para diagnóstico, como una herramienta efectiva de ayuda a la optimización de la protección radiológica de los pacientes. Objetivo: Estimar los niveles de referencia para diagnóstico en radiografía dental intraoral y panorámica en la ciudad de Bogotá, D. C. Metodología: Se evaluaron los parámetros de exposición radiográficos de los equipos y la calidad de imagen en 68 equipos de radiografía dental periapical y 23 equipos de radiografía panorámica. Se estimaron las magnitudes dosimétricas de kerma incidente en aire (Kai) en equipos intraorales para la radiografía de un maxilar molar de un adulto y el producto kerma aire-área (PKA) en equipos de radiografía panorámica en un examen de un adulto estándar. Resultados: El tercer cuartil de la distribución de kerma incidente en aire para radiografía intraoral fue de 3,3 mGy y del producto kerma aire-área para radiografía panorámica fue de 103,9 mGycm2. En la distribución de frecuencias de kerma incidente en aire para radiografía intraoral, el porcentaje más alto de equipos estuvo en el rango de 2,0-3,0 mGy. En la distribución de frecuencias del producto kerma aire-área para los equipos de radiografía panorámica, el porcentaje más alto de equipos estuvo en el rango de 60 a 80 mGycm2. Discusión: Las instituciones consideradas para establecer los Niveles de Referencia para Diagnóstico en este estudio contaron con una adecuada calidad de la imagen evaluada con un maniquí dental, pero las variaciones en las dosis de radiación entre instituciones señalan la necesidad de implementar herramientas que contribuyan a la optimización de las prácticas. Conclusiones: Se recomienda usar los valores de los niveles de referencia para diagnóstico encontrados en esta investigación para optimizar la protección radiológica en las exposiciones radiológicas dentales, y se espera que este estudio sirva de base para nuevas investigaciones en las demás ciudades del país.

Introduction: Dental X-rays are one of the most frequent medical exposures to ionizing radiation. The use of ionizing radiation is associated with a probable risk of triggering adverse biological effects and possible damage to the patient's health. To prevent patients from receiving unnecessarily high doses during these exposures, the International Commission on Radiological Protection recommends the use of diagnostic reference levels as an effective tool to help optimize radiological protection for patients. Objective: To estimate diagnostic reference levels in intraoral and panoramic dental radiography in the city of Bogotá, D.C. Methodology: In 68 periapical dental radiography equipment and 23 panoramic radiography equipment, the radiographic exposure parameters of the equipment and image quality were evaluated. The dosimetric magnitudes of incident air kerma (Ka,i) in intraoral equipment for the radiography of a maxillary molar of an adult and the air kerma-area product (PKA) in panoramic radiography equipment in a standard adult examination were estimated. Results: The third quartile of the incident air kerma distribution for intraoral radiography was 3,3 mGy and the air kerma-area product for panoramic radiography was 103,9 mGycm2. In the frequency distribution of incident air kerma for intraoral radiography, the highest percentage of equipment was in the range of 2,0-3,0 mGy, and in the frequency distribution of the air kerma-area product for equipment of panoramic radiography, the highest percentage of the equipment was in the range of 60 to 80 mGy cm2. Discussion: The institutions considered to establish the diagnostic reference levels in this study had an adequate quality of the image evaluated with a dental phantom, but the variations in radiation doses between institutions indicate the need to implement tools that contribute to the optimization of the practices. Conclusions: It is recommended to use the values of the diagnostic reference levels found in this research to optimize radiological protection in dental radiological exposures, and it is expected that this study will serve as a basis for further research in other cities of the country.

J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 43(4): 292-299, Oct.-Dec. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528942


The aim of our study is to evaluate the value of Argon Plasma Coagulation in the treatment of gastrointestinal vascular abnormalities. Patients and methods: This is a descriptive and analytical retrospective study, from January 2009 to September 2020. 198 patients who have benefited from treatment with Argon Plasma Coagulation for vascular anomalies of the digestive tract divided into 2 groups: -Group A: Patients with radial rectitis lesions (n = 107). -Group B: Patients with lesions of digestive angiodysplasia (n = 91). Results: The mean age of our patients was 64.95 ± 9.88 years [43 - 83] in group A, while in group B the mean age was 65.19 ± 14.29 years [40 - 91] with a clear male predominance in 72.5%. The majority of patients in group A were followed for prostate cancer in 33,8%, and 26.3% of patients in group B had chronic renal failure, followed by stomach cancer in 15.8%, and esophageal cancer in 10.5%. Clinical symptomatology was dominated by rectories in 40.2% in group A versus 46.8% in group B. Rectal involvement was dominated in group A in 98.1%, whereas in group B the lesions were mainly located in the stomach in 60.5%. The endoscopic evolution was favorable in all our patients with a clear improvement of rectal lesions and digestive angiodysplasia lesions. The total complication rate in our series was nil. Conclusion: Plasma Argon coagulation is a very effective method in the endoscopic treatment of digestive haemorrhages with good tolerability and a low complication rate. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Angiodysplasia/therapy , Gastrointestinal Tract/injuries , Argon Plasma Coagulation , Retrospective Studies , Endoscopy
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 60(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550853


Introducción: El uso de radiografías como elemento complementario para el diagnóstico es fundamental para la práctica profesional de todo cirujano dentista. Por tanto, es importante conocer no solo los beneficios de la radiología oral y los fundamentos de protección radiológica, sino también determinar su nivel de aplicación o la adherencia frente al cumplimiento de los aspectos normativos que regulan el uso de la radiación ionizante en odontología. Objetivo: Relacionar el conocimiento sobre los cuidados en radiología bucal, las ventajas y los peligros en la toma de radiografías con el cumplimiento de las normas de protección radiológica y radiación ionizante en estudiantes de odontología de una clínica dental docente. Métodos: La población de estudio estuvo constituida por 180 estudiantes del cuarto año de la carrera de odontología, que emplearon los equipos radiológicos en la clínica docente asistencial durante los años 2019 (segundo semestre) y 2020 (primer trimestre). Se tomó como muestra representativa a 104 estudiantes, incorporados al estudio mediante muestreo aleatorio simple. Se aplicaron dos instrumentos de recolección de datos, uno para evaluar el conocimiento (cuestionario) y otro para verificar el cumplimiento de normas (lista de chequeo) sobre la protección radiológica y el diagnóstico por imágenes en la práctica odontológica. Para el análisis estadístico se aplicó la prueba estadística chi cuadrado con un nivel de significancia del 95 %. Resultados: No se encontró relación estadísticamente significativa (p = 0,30) entre el conocimiento teórico sobre la protección radiológica y el diagnóstico por imágenes, respecto el cumplimiento de las normas que regulan su aplicación (p > 0,05). El 90 % de participantes tienen conocimientos entre regulares y excelentes. Sin embargo, solo el 32 % cumple las normas técnicas de protección sobre radiación ionizante en su práctica clínica. Conclusión: Los estudiantes de odontología tienen suficiente conocimiento sobre protección radiológica y diagnóstico por imágenes. Sin embargo, este conocimiento no se refleja en prácticas adheridas a las normas.

Introduction: The use of radiographs as a complementary element for diagnosis is fundamental to the professional practice of every dental surgeon. Therefore, it is important to know not only the benefits of oral radiology and the fundamentals of radiological protection, but also to determine their level of application or adherence to compliance with the regulatory aspects that regulate the use of ionizing radiation in dentistry. Objective: To relate the knowledge of oral radiology care, the advantages and dangers in taking radiographs with compliance with the norms of radiological protection and ionizing radiation in dental students of a dental teaching clinic. Methods: The study population consisted of 180 fourth year dental students who used the radiological equipment in the teaching dental clinic during 2019 (second semester) and 2020 (first quarter). A representative sample of 104 students was taken, incorporated into the study by simple random sampling. Two data collection instruments were applied, one to evaluate knowledge (questionnaire) and the other to verify compliance with standards (checklist) on radiological protection and diagnostic imaging in dental practice. For the statistical analysis the chi-square statistical test was applied with a significance level of 95 %. Results: No statistically significant relationship was found (p = 0.30) between theoretical knowledge of radiological protection and diagnostic imaging with respect to compliance with the norms that regulate its application (p > 0.05). Ninety percent of participants have fair to excellent knowledge. However, only 32 % comply with the technical norms of ionizing radiation protection in their clinical practice. Conclusion: Dental students have sufficient knowledge of radiation protection and diagnostic imaging. However, this knowledge is not reflected in practices that adhere to the standards.

Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 43(4)oct. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536364


La endoscopía digestiva ha evolucionado de una técnica puramente diagnóstica a un procedimiento terapéutico. Esto es posible en muchos casos gracias al uso de fluoroscopía, lo cual conlleva la exposición a radiaciones ionizantes tanto de los pacientes como del personal actuante. La colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE), que requiere necesariamente de fluoroscopia, es catalogada por la Food and Drug Administration como un examen con potencial riesgo de desencadenar lesiones inducidas por radiación. El presente artículo de revisión repasa los efectos biológicos de las radiaciones, los tipos de equipos radiológicos utilizados en CPRE, así como las magnitudes y unidades dosimétricas, para finalmente abordar los elementos de radio protección en la sala de endoscopia. El objetivo es brindar al lector la informacion para poder realizar estos procedimientos con la mayor seguridad radiológica tanto para los pacientes como para el personal ocupacionalmente expuesto.

Endoscopy has evolved from a purely diagnostic technique to a therapeutic procedure. This is possible in many cases thanks to the use of fluoroscopy, which entails exposure to ionizing radiation for both patients and the personnel involved. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), which necessarily requires fluoroscopy, is classified by the Food and Drug Administration as an examination with a potential risk of triggering radiation induced injuries. This article reviews the biological effects of radiation, the types of radiological equipment used in ERCP, as well as the magnitudes and dosimetric units, to finally address the radio protection elements in the endoscopy room. The objective is to provide the reader with the information to be able to perform these procedures with the greatest radiological safety for both patients and occupationally exposed personnel.

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 89(5): 101300, Sept.-Oct. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520487


Abstract Objectives: To determine the cut-off point of the cochlear radiation dose as a risk factor for hearing loss in patients with vestibular schwannoma treated with radiosurgery. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was performed without language or publication year restrictions in the MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, LILACS/VHL and Cochrane Library databases. Studies that met the following criteria were included: 1) population: adults of both sexes who underwent radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma treatment; 2) exposure: cochlear radiation; 3) outcome: hearing loss; 4) type of study: cohort. Two independent reviewers conducted the entire review process. The registration number in PROSPERO was CRD42020206128. Results: From the 333 articles identified in the searches, seven were included after applying the eligibility criteria. There was no standardization as to how to measure exposure or outcome in the included studies, and most studies did not present sufficient data to enable meta-analysis. Conclusion: It was not possible to determine a cut-off point for high cochlear dose that could be considered a risk factor for hearing loss.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 69(9): e20230459, set. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514728


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Sleep disturbance in chronic neuropathic low back pain is a well-known condition. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of lumbar radiculopathy on sleep quality and lower extremity functionality in the presence of neuropathic low back pain. METHODS: A total of 79 patients diagnosed with disk herniation, needle electromyography, and neuropathic pain were included in the study. Visual Analog Scale, Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index, and Lower Extremity Functionality Scale were applied to the patients. RESULTS: Of the 79 patients who participated in the study, 34 (43%) were females and 45 (57%) were males. No significant difference was found between the group with and without radiculopathy in terms of sleep quality and lower extremity functionality (p=0.245 and p=0.092, respectively). In our study, a negative correlation was found between night pain and the presence of radiculopathy (p=0.006). The number of lumbar herniated disk levels was higher in the group without radiculopathy and was statistically significant (p=0.023). CONCLUSION: We found that the presence of radiculopathy did not affect sleep quality and lower extremity functionality in disk herniation patients with neuropathic pain. Although it was not statistically significant in our study, we think that the degree of herniation may affect sleep and lower extremity functionality rather than the number of disk herniation levels with the available data. The fact that neuropathic pain is not limited to disk herniation and radiculopathy, and that neuropathic pain is intertwined with clinical conditions such as anxiety, sleep disorders, and depression are among the conditions that make the studies difficult.

Salud mil ; 42(2): e301, 20230929. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1531703


Introducción: el diseño de los búnkeres de radioterapia es de vital importancia no solo por la seguridad radiológica, sino también por el costo que implican. Los cálculos de blindaje de las paredes primarias de los búnkeres de los aceleradores lineales de radioterapia se determinan a partir del factor de uso de estas paredes. Los documentos internacionales como el NCRP 151 utilizan para el cálculo de estas barreras un factor de uso igual a 0.25. Objetivo: estudiar la distribución del uso de las barreras primarias en función de los tratamientos realizados buscando contrastar la homogeneidad en el uso de las barreras. Material y Métodos: con los datos de pacientes realizados durante un año (2021) en dos aceleradores lineales, uno dual y otro monoenergético, se generó una base de datos con la que se calculó la frecuencia de uso de las paredes primarias. En el presente trabajo se evalúa la diferencia entre el uso dado de las barreras y las estimaciones de uso internacional. Resultados: se encuentra que en el acelerador dual en la energía de 15X los campos más usados tienen ángulos de gantry 0º, 90º, 180º, 270º, teniendo un peso acumulado aproximado al 65% al igual que la carga de trabajo para esos ángulos, esto implica que los ángulos diferentes a estos tienen un uso muy inferior al previsto por el cálculo inicial. En el acelerador dual en la energía de 6X el campo más usado es a 0º teniendo un peso aproximado al 14%, pero la carga de trabajo a 0º no se diferencia apreciablemente del resto de los ángulos ya que la distribución no tiene direcciones preferenciales, ninguno de los valores llega a 10% que concuerda con el uso homogéneo de la barrera. En el acelerador monoenergético el peso relativo de los ángulos de 90º y 270º en el uso de las barreras es aproximadamente 34% para cada una, superior al 25% estimado inicialmente. Conclusiones: las barreras primarias de los búnkeres de radioterapia tienen espesores marcados por el cálculo de blindaje, los cuales se pueden hacer basados en documentos internacionales que son referencia del tema. Se considera en las referencias para la barrera primaria un factor de uso igual para las mismas, sin embargo en la práctica clínica se pueden tener un factor de uso no uniforme respondiendo a los tipos de tratamientos que se designen realizar en el equipo. Esta realidad abre la puerta para plantear blindajes optimizados que podrían generar búnkeres más económicos y mejor utilización del espacio de acuerdo a las condiciones dadas para cada caso en particular.

Introduction: The design of radiotherapy bunkers is of vital importance not only for radiation safety, but also for the cost involved. The shielding calculations of the primary walls of radiotherapy linear accelerator bunkers are determined from the use factor of these walls. International documents such as NCRP 151 use for the calculation of these barriers a usage factor equal to 0.25. Objective: to study the distribution of the use of primary barriers according to the treatments performed, seeking to contrast the homogeneity in the use of the barriers. Material and Methods: with the data of patients performed during one year (2021) in two linear accelerators, one dual and the other monoenergetic, a database was generated with which the frequency of use of the primary walls was calculated. The present work evaluates the difference between the given use of the barriers and the estimates of international use. Results: it is found that in the dual accelerator at 15X energy the most used fields have gantry angles 0º, 90º, 180º, 270º, having an accumulated weight of approximately 65% as well as the workload for those angles, this implies that the angles different from these have a use much lower than the one foreseen by the initial calculation. In the dual accelerator at 6X energy the most used field is at 0º having an approximate weight of 14%, but the workload at 0º is not appreciably different from the rest of the angles since the distribution does not have preferential directions, none of the values reaches 10% which is consistent with the homogeneous use of the barrier. In the monoenergetic accelerator, the relative weight of the 90º and 270º angles in the use of the barriers is approximately 34% for each one, higher than the 25% initially estimated. Conclusions: the primary barriers of radiotherapy bunkers have thicknesses marked by the shielding calculation, which can be made based on international documents that are a reference on the subject. It is considered in the references for the primary barrier an equal use factor for them, however in clinical practice they can have a non-uniform use factor responding to the types of treatments that are designed to be performed in the equipment. This reality opens the door to propose optimized shielding that could generate more economical bunkers and better use of space according to the conditions given for each particular case.

Introdução: O projeto de bunkers de radioterapia é de vital importância não apenas para a segurança da radiação, mas também para o custo envolvido. Os cálculos de blindagem para as paredes primárias dos bunkers de aceleradores lineares de radioterapia são determinados com base no fator de uso dessas paredes. Documentos internacionais, como o NCRP 151, usam um fator de uso igual a 0,25 para o cálculo dessas barreiras. Objetivo: estudar a distribuição do uso de barreiras primárias de acordo com os tratamentos realizados, buscando contrastar a homogeneidade no uso das barreiras. Material e métodos: com os dados de pacientes tratados durante um ano (2021) em dois aceleradores lineares, um dual e outro monoenergético, foi gerado um banco de dados com o qual foi calculada a frequência de uso das paredes primárias. Este artigo avalia a diferença entre o uso determinado de barreiras e as estimativas internacionais de uso. Resultados: verifica-se que no acelerador duplo com energia de 15X os campos mais utilizados são os ângulos de pórtico 0º, 90º, 180º, 270º, com um peso acumulado de aproximadamente 65%, assim como a carga de trabalho para esses ângulos, o que implica que os ângulos diferentes desses têm um uso muito menor do que o previsto pelo cálculo inicial. No acelerador duplo a 6X de energia, o campo mais utilizado é o de 0º com um peso aproximado de 14%, mas a carga de trabalho em 0º não é sensivelmente diferente do resto dos ângulos, já que a distribuição não tem direções preferenciais, nenhum dos valores chega a 10%, o que é consistente com o uso homogêneo da barreira. No acelerador de monoenergia, o peso relativo dos ângulos de 90º e 270º no uso das barreiras é de aproximadamente 34% para cada um, superior aos 25% estimados inicialmente. Conclusões: as barreiras primárias dos bunkers de radioterapia têm espessuras balizadas pelo cálculo de blindagem, que pode ser feito com base em documentos internacionais que são referência no assunto. As referências para a barreira primária consideram um fator de uso igual para elas, mas na prática clínica elas podem ter um fator de uso não uniforme, dependendo do tipo de tratamento que o equipamento foi projetado para realizar. Essa realidade abre as portas para uma blindagem otimizada que poderia gerar bunkers mais econômicos e melhor uso do espaço de acordo com as condições dadas para cada caso específico.

Radiation Protection , Radiotherapy , Shielding against Radiation , Radiation Measurement
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(3): 343-351, sept. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533945


Introducción. Las radiografías continúan usándose ampliamente, subestimando los riesgos. Esto sucede, especialmente, en las unidades de cuidado neonatal, lo que implica que los neonatos reciben una dosis de radiación ionizante mayor que los adultos. Objetivo. Cuantificar las dosis de radiación recibidas al tomar radiografías y evaluar los posibles factores asociados con el aumento de la dosis. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional de 160 neonatos de la Unidad de Recién Nacidos del Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Bogotá, Colombia. Se consideró como variable dependiente la dosis de entrada en piel por cada radiografía. Se hizo la caracterización de los pacientes, seguida de un análisis multivariado con regresión lineal múltiple para identificar factores asociados. Resultados. Se analizaron 160 pacientes y 492 radiografías en total. Entre los hallazgos más frecuentes, se encuentran: pacientes de sexo masculino (n=87; 54,4 %), nacimiento por cesárea (n=122; 76,3 %) e indicación de toma de radiografías por dificultad respiratoria (n=123; 24,9 %). El 1,8 % (n=9) de los pacientes no tenían una indicación para la toma de la radiografía. La radiografía más frecuente fue la de tórax (n=322; 65,4 %). La mayoría de las radiografías se tomaron con el equipo computarizado (n=352; 71,5 %) y no con el digital (n=140, 28,4 %). La mediana de la dosis de entrada en piel con el equipo computarizado fue de 0,112 mGy (0,022; 0,134 mGy) y, con el equipo digital, de 0,020 mGy (0,019, 0,022 mGy). Conclusiones. Se cuantificaron las dosis de radiación absorbida en neonatos, general y específica, con el equipo computarizado y el digital. Se identificaron mayores dosis con el equipo computarizado. Se reconoció la interacción entre el equipo computarizado con menores edades gestacionales corregidas como principal factor para el aumento de la dosis. Además, se reconoció la relación entre el equipo computarizado y una menor edad gestacional corregida, como principal factor para una mayor dosis.

Introduction. Radiographs are still widely used, underestimating the risks. This situation is frequent in neonatal care units, generating radiation doses than in adults. Objective. To quantify the received radiation doses when performing radiographs on neonates and the possible factors associated with higher doses. Materials and methods. We performed an observational study of 160 neonates from the newborn unit of the Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Bogotá, Colombia. We considered the input dose of each radiograph as the dependent variable. Patients were characterized and a multivariate analysis with multiple linear regression was performed to identify associated factors. Results. We analyzed 160 newborns and 492 radiographs. The most frequent findings were male patients (n=87, 54.4%), cesarean delivery (n=122, 76.3%), and radiograph indication for respiratory distress (n=123, 24.9%). One-point eight percent of the patients (n=9) did not have radiograph indication. The most frequently taken radiograph was chest (322, 65.4%). Most radiographs were taken with a computerized equipment (n=352, 71.5%), compared to a digital one (n=140, 28.4%). The median input dose with computerized equipment was 0.112 mGy (0.022, 0.134 mGy), and with the digital equipment was 0.020 mGy (0.019, 0.022 mGy). Conclusions. The general and specific absorbed radiation doses were measured in neonates with a computerized and a digital equipment. We identified higher doses with the computerized equipment. In addition, it was recognized the correlation between computerized radiography equipment with lower corrected gestational ages as the main factor for dose increase.

Radiation Dosage , Infant, Newborn , Radiation , Radiography , Risk Factors
Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(4): 653-658, July-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521805


Abstract Objective We aim to describe an experimental model for studying femoral fractures in rats after exposure to ionizing radiation, demonstrating a way to apply a substance for analysis, the method for patterning fracture and irradiation, and how to evaluate its effectiveness based on radiographic studies. Methods We used 24 rats divided into 2 groups of 12 animals each. The STUDY group was exposed to ionizing radiation and treated with saline solution, and the CONTROL group was not exposed to radiation and was treated with saline solution. All animals were subjected to standardized fracture of the right femur that was fixed with intramedullary wire. The efficiency of the bone union was assessed by radiographic exam. Results Fracture healing was more efficient in bones not exposed to ionizing radiation (p = 0.012). All fractures met the criteria of being simple, diaphyseal, transverse or short oblique. Conclusion The experimental model presented is an efficient alternative for the study of fractures in irradiated bones in rats.

Resumo Objetivo Nosso objetivo é descrever um modelo experimental para estudo de fraturas de fêmur em ratos após exposição a radiação ionizante, demonstrando uma forma de aplicação de uma substância para análise, o método de padronização de fratura e irradiação e a forma de avaliação de sua eficácia com base em estudos radiográficos. Métodos Utilizamos 24 ratos divididos em dois grupos de 12 animais cada. O grupo ESTUDO foi exposto à radiação ionizante e tratado com soro fisiológico, enquanto o grupo CONTROLE não foi exposto à radiação e foi tratado com soro fisiológico. Todos os animais foram submetidos à fratura padronizada do fêmur direito e sua fixação com fio intramedular. A eficácia da consolidação óssea foi determinada por exame radiográfico. Resultados A cicatrização de fraturas foi mais eficiente em ossos não expostos à radiação ionizante (p = 0,012). Todas as fraturas atenderam aos critérios de serem simples, diafisárias, transversas ou oblíquas curtas. Conclusão O modelo experimental apresentado é uma boa alternativa para o estudo de fraturas em ossos irradiados em ratos.

Animals , Rats , Radiation Effects , Fracture Healing , Femoral Fractures/surgery , Fractures, Spontaneous/therapy
Indian Pediatr ; 2023 Jul; 60(7): 537-540
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225435


Objectives: To compare the entrance skin doses (ESD) before and after implementation of a radiation safety policy in neonates (RSN), which focused on clinician-directed technical specifications on the digital X-ray machine. Methods: Prospective observations included two sets of X-rays: Before (BRSN) and after (ARSN) implementation of RSN (documented indication for Xray/expected posttest findings, settings of 40 kVp, 0.5 mAs, film-focus distance 100 cm, gonadal-shield, optimal collimation, and post-shoot image-enhancement). Results: 33 and 32 X-rays were analyzed in respective groups. Mean (SD) of calculated and machine-quantified ESD (µGy/m2) was higher in BRSN group as compared to ARSN group (P <0.001). All ARSN X-rays were interpretable for expected post-test findings. Conclusion: Clinicians’ cognizance of ability to make consequential bedside technical specifications, can reduce ESD without affecting interpretability. These single observations could have a larger impact in sick neonates, where multiple X-rays are done.

Indian Heart J ; 2023 Jun; 75(3): 161-168
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220977


Aim: To assess the safety, efficiency, and device compatibility of the Second Generation Robotic System. Methods: Data on Robot-Assisted PCI (RePCI) is frequently insufficient in India. Many articles were published in national, non-indexed journals that are not available online and are difficult to obtain. Recognizing these constraints, the current review is intended to compile the available data on this important new innovation technique. This review could encourage future research and serve as a valuable source of information. Results/Conclusion: In terms of procedure efficiency, operator radiation reduction, and safety, the recent implementation and development of second-generation robotic systems have had a significant impact on interventional cardiology. This technology will play a significant role in the future of interventional cardiology as advancements eliminate the need for manual assistance, improve devices compatibility, and expand the use of robotics for telestenting procedures. A larger study demonstrating the safety and feasibility of tele-stenting over greater geographic distances, as well as addressing fundamental technical difficulties, would be required before attempting RePCI

Radiol. bras ; 56(3): 137-144, May-June 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449034


Abstract Objective: To develop an automated co-registration system and test its performance, with and without a fiducial marker, on single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images. Materials and Methods: Three SPECT/CT scans were acquired for each rotation of a Jaszczak phantom (to 0°, 5°, and 10° in relation to the bed axis), with and without a fiducial marker. Two rigid co-registration software packages-SPM12 and NMDose-coreg-were employed, and the percent root mean square error (%RMSE) was calculated in order to assess the quality of the co-registrations. Uniformity, contrast, and resolution were measured before and after co-registration. The NMDose-coreg software was employed to calculate the renal doses in 12 patients treated with 177Lu-DOTATATE, and we compared those with the values obtained with the Organ Level INternal Dose Assessment for EXponential Modeling (OLINDA/EXM) software. Results: The use of a fiducial marker had no significant effect on the quality of co-registration on SPECT images, as measured by %RMSE (p = 0.40). After co-registration, uniformity, contrast, and resolution did not differ between the images acquired with fiducial markers and those acquired without. Preliminary clinical application showed mean total processing times of 9 ± 3 min/patient for NMDose-coreg and 64 ± 10 min/patient for OLINDA/EXM, with a strong correlation between the two, despite the lower renal doses obtained with NMDose-coreg. Conclusion: The use of NMDose-coreg allows fast co-registration of SPECT images, with no loss of uniformity, contrast, or resolution. The use of a fiducial marker does not appear to increase the accuracy of co-registration on phantoms.

Resumo Objetivo: Desenvolver corregistro automático e testar seu desempenho com ou sem marcador fiducial em imagens de tomografia computadorizada de emissão de fóton único (SPECT). Materiais e Métodos: Três SPECT/CTs foram adquiridas para cada rotação de um simulador de Jaszczak em relação ao eixo da maca (0°, 5° e 10°), com e sem fiducial. Dois métodos de corregistro inelástico foram aplicados - SPM12 e NMDose-coreg -, e a porcentagem do erro quadrático médio (%RMSE) foi usada para analisar a qualidade do corregistro. Uniformidade, contraste e resolução foram medidos antes e após o corregistro. NMDose com corregistro automático foi usado para calcular a dose renal de 12 pacientes tratados com 177Lu-DOTATATE e comparado com OLINDA/EXM. Resultados: A marcação fiducial não modificou a qualidade do corregistro das imagens SPECT, medida pela %RMSE (p = 0,40). Não houve impacto na uniformidade, contraste e resolução após o corregistro de imagens adquiridas com ou sem fiduciais. Aplicação clínica preliminar mostrou tempo total de processamento de 9 ± 3 min/paciente para NMDose e 64 ± 10 min/paciente para OLINDA/EXM, com alta correlação entre ambos, apesar de menor dose renal em NMDose. Conclusão: NMDose-coreg permite o corregistro rápido de imagens SPECT, sem perda de uniformidade, contraste ou resolução. O uso da marcação fiducial não aumentou a precisão do corregistro em fantomas.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Apr; 71(4): 1556-1560
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224966


Purpose: To study the incidence of dry eye disease (DED) in head and neck cancer (HNC) patients undergoing external beam radiotherapy (EBRT), to find a correlation between tumor location and total radiation dose with DED, and to report various radiotherapy (RT) induced acute toxic effects on ocular and adnexal structures. Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted at a tertiary eye?care center on 90 patients of HNC undergoing EBRT from March 2021 to May 2022. All underwent a thorough clinical history and complete ophthalmological examination including an ocular surface disease index (OSDI) questionnaire, visual acuity, anterior segment, angle and posterior segment examination, dry eye workup including the Schirmer test, tear meniscus height, tear break?up time, corneal fluorescein staining and grading, and meibography by auto?refractometer and its scoring at each visit. Patients were evaluated before the start of RT and then at 1 week, 4 weeks, and 12 weeks post?RT. Radiation records of all patients were noted. Data were analyzed using percentage and Microsoft Excel. Results: Of the 90 patients, 66 were male and 24 female (M: F ratio of 2.75) with a median age of 52.5 years (range 24 to 80 years). The most common HNC was the carcinoma oral cavity and lip. Most patients received a total radiation dose between 46 to 55 Gy. DED developed in 48 (53.3%) patients. The incidence of DED increased with the increase in total radiation dose (r = 0.987). DED was also found to be correlated with tumor location (r = 0.983). Conclusion: The incidence of DED positively correlated with the total radiation dose and tumor location.

J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 12(1): 204-216, abr. 4, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518183


Aim: To evaluate the bond strength of a universal adhesive system to dentin submitted to radiotherapy. Materials and Methods: Sixty extracted human teeth were divided into two groups (n = 30): without radiotherapy (control); with radiotherapy, according to the adhesive protocol (n=15): ER-etch-and-rinse (acid + Single Bond Uni-versal); SE-self-etch (Single Bond Universal). The analyzes were shear bond strength (SBS) (n=10), failure pattern (n=10) and scanning electron microscopy (n=5). Data was analyzed by a two-way ANOVA (α =0.05). Results: The radiotherapy decreased SBS of the restorative material to dentin (p<0.0001). The ER protocol provided lower bond strength values (p<0.001). The predominant type of fracture without radiotherapy was mixed (SE), cohesive to the material (ER). Both protocols presented adhesive failures with radiotherapy. Teeth had a hybrid layer and long resin tags (without radiotherapy) and few tags (with radiotherapy). Conclusions: The SE adhesive mode favors the shear bond strength of resin to dentin in teeth submitted to radiotherapy.

Objetivo: Evaluar la fuerza de adhesión de un sistema adhesivo universal a la dentina sometida a radioterapia. Materiales y Métodos: Sesenta dientes humanos extraídos se dividieron en dos grupos (n = 30): sin radioterapia (control); con radioterapia, según protocolo adhesivo (n=15): ER-grabado y enjuague (ácido + Single Bond Universal); autograbado SE (Single Bond Universal). Los análisis ejecutados fueron resistencia al cizallamiento (SBS) (n=10), patrón de falla (n=10) y microscopía electrónica de barrido (n=5). Los datos se sometieron al test de ANOVA de dos vías (α =0,05). Resultados: La radioterapia disminuyó la SBS del material restaurador a la dentina (p<0,0001). El protocolo ER proporcionó valores de fuerza de unión más bajos (p<0,001). El tipo de fractura predominante sin radioterapia fue mixta (SE), cohesiva al material (ER). Ambos protocolos presentaron fallas adhesivas con radioterapia. Los dientes tenían una capa híbrida y colas de resina largas (sin radioterapia) o pocas colas de resina (con radioterapia). Conclusión: El modo adhesivo SE favorece la resistencia al corte de la resina a la dentina en dientes sometidos a radioterapia.

Humans , Dental Bonding/methods , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Dental Cements/chemistry , Dental Stress Analysis/methods , Composite Resins , Dentin
São Paulo med. j ; 141(2): 89-97, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424664


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Computer-aided diagnosis in low-dose (≤ 3 mSv) computed tomography (CT) is a potential screening tool for lung nodules, with quality interpretation and less inter-observer variability among readers. Therefore, we aimed to determine the screening potential of CT using a radiation dose that does not exceed 2 mSv. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to compare the diagnostic parameters of low-dose (< 2 mSv) CT interpretation results using a computer-aided diagnosis system for lung cancer screening with those of a conventional reading system used by radiologists. DESIGN AND SETTING: We conducted a comparative study of chest CT images for lung cancer screening at three private institutions. METHODS: A database of low-dose (< 2 mSv) chest CT images of patients at risk of lung cancer was viewed with the conventional reading system (301 patients and 226 nodules) or computer-aided diagnosis system without any subsequent radiologist review (944 patients and 1,048 nodules). RESULTS: The numbers of detected and solid nodules per patient (both P < 0.0001) were higher using the computer-aided diagnosis system than those using the conventional reading system. The nodule size was reported as the maximum size in any plane in the computer-aided diagnosis system. Higher numbers of patients (102 [11%] versus 20 [7%], P = 0.0345) and nodules (154 [15%] versus 17 [8%], P = 0.0035) were diagnosed with cancer using the computer-aided diagnosis system. CONCLUSIONS: The computer-aided diagnosis system facilitates the diagnosis of cancerous nodules, especially solid nodules, in low-dose (< 2 mSv) CT among patients at risk for lung cancer.

Indian J Cancer ; 2023 Mar; 60(1): 140-147
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221768


Background: Adaptive radiation therapy (ART) refers to redesigning of radiation therapy (RT) treatment plans with respect to dynamic changes in tumor size and location throughout the treatment course. In this study, we performed a comparative volumetric and dosimetric analysis to investigate the impact of ART for patients with limited-stage small cell lung cancer (LS-SCLC). Methods: Twenty-four patients with LS-SCLC receiving ART and concomitant chemotherapy were included in the study. ART was performed by replanning of patients based on a mid-treatment computed tomography (CT)-simulation which was routinely scheduled for all patients 20� days after the initial CT-simulation. While the first 15 RT fractions were planned using the initial CT-simulation images, the latter 15 RT fractions were planned using the mid-treatment CT-simulation images acquired 20� days after the initial CT-simulation. In order to document the impact of ART, target and critical organ dose-volume parameters acquired from this adaptive radiation treatment planning (RTP) were compared with the RTP based solely on the initial CT-simulation to deliver the whole RT dose of 60 Gy. Results: Statistically significant reduction was detected in gross tumor volume (GTV) and planning target volume (PTV) during the conventionally fractionated RT course along with statistically significant reduction in critical organ doses with incorporation of ART. Conclusion: One-third of the patients in our study who were otherwise ineligible for curative intent RT due to violation of critical organ dose constraints could be treat

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217389


Introduction: Cancer related fatigue, a problem often less understood and under-diagnosed. It is imperative to find non-invasive and non-pharmacological solutions for managing it. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of pranayama on reducing the level of Fatigue during External Radiation Therapy (ERT) among the patients in a selected cancer hospital of Guwahati, Assam. Materials and methods: The study adopted Quantitative evaluative approach; randomized pre-test post-test control group design. Simple random sampling technique without replacement was used and 84 cancer pa-tients were equally divided in control group (42) and experimental group (42). The pre-test level of fatigue was assessed from both the groups and pranayama as intervention was given to experimental group. Result: Pranayama was found to be effective in patients receiving ERT. It was found that following pranaya-ma, majority in experimental group 41 (97.6%) had mild level of fatigue whereas in control group 27 (64.3%) experienced severe level of fatigue. There is significant mean difference in the experimental group as com-pared to control group after the intervention of pranayama (t=17.99, df=41, p-value=<.001). Conclusion: Pranayama is found to be effective intervention in reducing fatigue among cancer patients re-ceiving ERT.